Top 5 Tips To Get Best Value From Your Marketing Lists
It's, ahem, 25 years since I sold the first subscriptions to Marketing Appointments to a handful of advertising and design agencies. You don't need to know everything I've learned about mailing lists, business data and marketing information. But knowing how to get the best value from our marketing lists, that is useful. Here's five points for b2b marketers that can't be said often enough.
- The best performing list is one that contains companies with a similar profile to your current client list. If you buy a mailing list and it contains the names of people and companies with whom you are already doing business, this is a good sign. Don't waste your time grumbling that 3 people on the list of 100 names are already clients, get on with contacting the other 97 in the happy knowledge that these are good prospects.
- Social media is great but unless your tweets and FB posts are being read by your target audience, it won't bring in the sales. Use mailing lists to identify your target readership, find those prospects on Twitter and LinkedIn and communicate with them directly. Follow people on Twitter and get yourself noticed by writing some interesting tweets. Most Tweeters receive an email each time they attract a new follower, which puts your company name in their inbox, just by clicking the 'follow' button.
- In times of mass emailing clogging up the executive inbox, you need to stay on good terms with your prospects and clients. Figure out how often people can bear to hear from you. Think of something new to say or a new way of saying your old message. Bashing out the same copy to the same people every week wins you no fans, just a whole bunch of unsubscribes.
- Many executives have their inbox security set to 'very high' to screen out unwanted emails. Email sent to these people will bounce back to you as 'identified as spam' or 'email unavailable'. Put these email addresses in a separate file and write an email specifically formulated to get a very low spam score and to get past their spam filter. Keep it short, keep links to a minimum and keep it text only. See here for more tips on keeping your e-shots out of the filters' way.
- ReMail. You have bought a list from Electric Marketing. Don't just use it once, get your money's worth and email it again. You can send an initial email, follow it up a fortnight or month later, look the person up on social media and make contact, write a letter, send a brochure or pick up the phone. You've got the data, use it while it's current. ReMailing works.